Berwick Recreation
Register Now
Berwick Youth Soccer
Berwick Youth Soccer
Noble Youth Baseball & Softball
Noble Youth Baseball
Squires Football & Cheer
Squires Football & Cheer

Welcome to Berwick Recreation Department

The Berwick Recreation Department is proud to provide you with our activity registration system and website. To get started please Create an Account with all your household information. The data provided - emergency contacts, medical information, etc. - will help us b
etter serve you. This info will also be automatically placed into your registration forms.

When you’re ready to start registering for Activities, please review the
How to Register for an Activity page.

Contact Info
Tara Barker, Parks & Recreation Director

(207) 698-1101 x117

Shannon Rogers, Assistant Director/Program Coordinator
(207) 698-1101 x115

Office Address
Berwick Town Hall, 11 Sullivan Street
Berwick, ME 03901